When I open my eyes to writing camp, I see the spaces and places writing campers have started exploring. I see a writing-zip-line, where writers learned to just let go and not worry about the “hows” or “wait, does this make sense?” that the sometimes the “normal” writing workshop filters cause. I giggle because I can see the new word combinations bubbling up through me and recognize this is what happens when we write, separately together, around the campfire.
I also see the women naturalists and explorers I have been discovering myself. I feel their urging and presence beside me, pointing the way and allowing me to make the discoveries. They don’t fill every nook and cranny of my mind with their fillings, they allow me to find things for myself and return to them with curiosity. In doing so, they help ignite my fire for life, the “Zest” as Annie Alexander said, which I then return to Writing Campers.
This delights me.
I come to writing camp today to discover, how I can be of best service to the Writing Campers. This is all about them – there processes, their discoveries. I hope when we come back I will discover more writing on blog posts or facebook so I may see some of the moments, resting on pillows in their individual writing tents and cabins. What is happening, there, away from the campfire when the sparks are still fresh. This is something I miss, the energy of “after” the campfire where I know some of the words which have the most oomph and the most lasting triumphs finally make it through.
Beauty Quote:
"These hours of beauty have meant so much to me, somewhat in the writing,
but much more in the long incalculable hours and days out of which the
writing has risen like the blue smoke out of woods, that I want to
share them with others." --Fiona Macleod