Friday, October 22, 2010

I am inspired by......

This writing was prompted by "And Now You Write". If you have never been there, check it out - and feel free to join the community there.

I am inspired by the light as it slanted just so, calling me to write. It is as if it waves hello to me, flirts with me, invites me to sit and drink tea. "What do you think, Julie?" or "What does this awaken to you?" or "What song plays when you see me, looking at you like this." Sometimes I grab my camera to capture how my skin looks in this very flattering light.

I am inspired by him, the one whose voice echoes on the phone stuck between my shoulder and my ear. He is just waking up, stressed a bit, and I am encouraging him. Possibly. We discuss means of inspiration and giggle. He is suddenly thinking of new methods and means as am I. This is what happens when two creative people get together early in the morning.

I am inspired by the pencil sharpener on my desk. It reminds me to sharpen a supply of pencils so I may be ready whenever the lightning strikes and moves my pencil across the page, almost involuntarily.

I am inspired by the coldness of my feet. They feel strange and I hear their invitation to put on some slippers. I will walk, when I am done, into the bedroom and grab the fuzzy pinkness. They remind me of times when I was caught out in the rain, which makes me think of Katherine. I hope she is warm enough. I hope she has warm socks and scarves and all the gear New England requires.

I am inspired by Constance the throw away Cat who I see through my window. She is sitting on my desk, outside, while I write, inside. She surveys the scene which includes me. I fed her earlier but lately none of the food I put out delights her or brings her much satisfaction. I think she is bored with her companion, Bob-the-Tomcat who has adopted our porch alongside Constance. He may be holding on too tightly, like many human males do. And some human females. Constance must be the quintessential feminist cat. This thought makes me laugh. I think a poem about Constance the Feminist Cat would be humorous.

I remember, then, that there is a poetry prompt - two, actually, which I have yet to answer, so I am inspired to end this free write and head over there. To a different prompt, a different form, a different space.

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